Our McDonnell Scholars
McDonnell Academy Scholars are selected on the basis of their promise to become future leaders in academia, government, the professions, or the corporate sector. The McDonnell Academy provides academic, cultural, and social opportunities to help Scholars develop into future leaders knowledgeable about the world and critical international issues.

Emmanuel Biney
University of Ghana

Che-Pin Chang
National Taiwan University

Harper Chen
National Taiwan University

Ping-I (Dennis) Chou
National Taiwan University

Sukrant Dhawan
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Clarice Hong
National University of Singapore

Chieh-Hsuan Hu
National Taiwan University

Shiao-Yun (Jocelyn) Huang
National Taiwan University

Yuan-Hung Kuan
National Taiwan University

Leo Lam
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dain Lee
Seoul National University

Ling (Aileen) Liao
Tsinghua University

Yi Chun (Julie) Lin
National Taiwan University

Shih-Wen Liu
National Taiwan University

Pingchuan Ma
Peking University

Weiyi Pan
Peking University

Keh-Kuan Sun
Yonsei University

Jeesang (Isaac, Jee) Yoon
Yonsei University