Sebastián Vallejo Vera

Sebastián Vallejo Vera

Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario

Gabriela Vintimilla

Gabriela Vintimilla

Doctoral Research Coordinator, University San Francisco de Quito

Leyao Wang

Leyao Wang

Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis

Zhifang Wang

Zhifang Wang

Professor, College of Architecture and LA, Peking University

Chia-Cheng Wei

Chia-Cheng Wei

Associate Professor, National Taiwan University

Frank Whitworth

Frank Whitworth

Keynote Speaker

William Yeoh

William Yeoh

Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, McKelvey School of Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis

Hongxi Yin

Hongxi Yin

InCEES Associate Professor, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University in St. Louis

Li Zou

Li Zou

International Director at the Center for Social Development and Co-Director of the Next Age Institute at Washington University in St. Louis