Part of the McDonnell Academy’s core mission is to foster close relationships among future global leaders

Our goal is for alumni to rely on the McDonnell Academy networks and track-two diplomacy throughout their careers to address global issues. McDonnell Academy alumni come from different degree programs, different partner universities and different regions around the world – facts that reflect the diversity found in our cohorts. As the numbers of alumni increase, we continue to organize opportunities for engagement and networking as reminders that they are Scholars for Life.

McDonnell Alumni Spotlight

Scholars for Life

Mark S. Wrighton Award for McDonnell Academy Alumni

Established in 2019 in honor of Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton, founder of the McDonnell International Scholars Academy, the award is presented to one McDonnell Alumnus a year. This award honors those alumni who “give back”, exemplifying outstanding leadership through professional and personal development.

Apply for the Wrighton Award
Manoranjan Sahu

My training, experience, and education at the McDonnel Academy and WashU prepared me well by providing a global perspective that allowed me to excel and think holistically while solving complex societal problems with purpose and passion backed by hard work.

Manoranjan Sahu Professor & 2024 Wrighton Award Recipient

Mark S. Wrighton Award for McDonnell Academy Alumni

McDonnell Alumni: We value our connection with you

Our Scholars emerge from the McDonnell Academy program as global citizens and responsible leaders empowered to forge productive careers and impact our global community.

Alumni stay connected
Diana Ramirez

My career journey has been deeply influenced by the mission of the McDonnell Academy at WashU. The McDonnell Scholars’ commitment to developing emerging global leaders has served as a constant source of inspiration for my work every day.

Diana Ramirez Associate Director of Graduate Programs and International Affairs and Adjunct Professor, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Pace University

McDonnell Academy Alumni Engagement

Sponsored in part by Cho-Yee and Patricia To to further advance McDonnell Academy Alumni initiatives, we continue to organize opportunities for engagement and networking as reminders that our alumni are Scholars for Life.

Discover More

Read about how our alumni help current Scholars with career, leadership or personal goals. Watch the alumni-led discussions on career insights and regional trends.

Alumni and Scholars weigh in on the most valuable aspects of the session.
  • “learning about alumni experiences during and after WashU.”
  • “meeting alumni with a shared experience that said McDonnell Academy added value.”

McDonnell Academy Mentorship Network

Providing opportunities for engagement open to all of our alumni around the world, the McDonnell Academy Mentorship Network has been developed to help foster meaningful relationships among Scholars and McDonnell Alumni.

Global Alumni and Parents Fellowship

The McDonnell Academy recognizes key sponsors for their support and commitment to the mission of international education.

View some of our sponsors

Meet our McDonnell Academy Alumni

Showing: All results
Ni Luh Putu Maitra Agastya

Ni Luh Putu Maitra Agastya

University of Indonesia

Default image

Naoko Akimoto

University of Tokyo

Oguz Alyanak

Oguz Alyanak

Boğaziçi University

Siyuan An

Siyuan An

Tsinghua University

Clifford Atuiri

Clifford Atuiri

University of Ghana

Sherria Ayuandini

Sherria Ayuandini

University of Indonesia

Enoch Azasu

Enoch Azasu

University of Ghana

Andrea Balassy

Andrea Balassy

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Sohyun Bang

Sohyun Bang

Seoul National University

Moshe Barak

Moshe Barak

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Sarita Barton

Sarita Barton

US Scholars Program

Edinam Adzo  Bello

Edinam Adzo Bello

University of Ghana

Emmanuel Biney

Emmanuel Biney

University of Ghana

Linley Fellow

Ivy Blackmore

Ivy Blackmore

US Scholars Program

Porpong (Paul) Boonmak

Porpong (Paul) Boonmak

Chulalongkorn University

Anna Boos

Anna Boos

Global Scholar-Germany

Kun Cao

Kun Cao

Tsinghua University

Fernando Castanheira

Fernando Castanheira

State University of Campinas

Eric Cawi

Eric Cawi

US Scholars Program

Jihyun Cha

Jihyun Cha

Yonsei University

Isaac Che

Isaac Che

Global Scholar-Cameroon

Harper Chen

Harper Chen

National Taiwan University

Taiwan Ministry of Education Fellow