Fostering Connections Through the McDonnell Scholar Network: A Collaborative Opportunity

By: Mustafa Rfat As a McDonnell Scholar at Washington University in St. Louis, I’ve been fortunate to be part of a diverse and supportive academic network. This network not only provides an opportunity to collaborate with fellow scholars but also allows for meaningful connections beyond our immediate circles. A recent example of this occurred when […]

Sci-FEAST: Global Food Science Experience | Nov 9 | 9:30am – 4:30pm

The McDonnell Scholars Academy is thrilled to partner with the Saint Louis Science Center to bring the “Global Food Science Experience” to the St. Louis community on Nov 9th, aligning with WashU’s commitment to deepen and strengthen the longstanding ties with our region.  We are WashU in St. Louis, for St. Louis, and with St. Louis Saint Louis Science Center’s […]

McDonnell Academy Distinguished Visiting Scholar

Changqing Chen An expert in multi-functional materials, Changqing Chen advances the digital transformation globally by developing mechanical meta-materials that function as mechanical computers and store memory. He heads the Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University, where he serves as Professor of Mechanics and formerly directed the Institute of Solid Mechanics. Prior to Tsinghua, he […]

Cabot-Zhang Lecture explores US-China Relations

MISA Cabot Zhang 101024

The McDonnell Academy Cabot Corporation-Xinsheng Zhang Endowed Lectureship at Washington University in St. Louis presents a discussion on US-China relations. A U.S. “Consensus” on China Policy? Moving Beyond a Misguided Narrative Thursday, October 10, 3:30 PM Anheuser Busch Dining RoomCharles F. Knight Executive Education & Conference CenterDanforth Campus, WashU A reception will immediately follow the presentation and […]

The McDonnell International Scholars Academy welcomes its 19th cohort of Scholars

The McDonnell Academy is thrilled to announce the arrival of its 19th cohort of Scholars – 22 remarkable individuals, each bringing their unique perspectives and talents to enrich our community.  As we embark on the 2024-25 academic year, the Academy community grows to include 95 Scholars, each contributing to the dynamic fabric of our community. […]

WashU and McDonnell Academy engagement and international partnerships

Together, We Lead Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) and the McDonnell Scholars Academy are dedicated to fostering global engagement and international partnerships.  The McDonnell Scholars Academy at WashU exemplifies our commitment to global education. Nurturing Global Leaders for a Better Tomorrow For nearly 20 years, the McDonnell Scholars Academy has a dual mission. First, we […]

Celebrating achievements and honoring legacies at the McDonnell Academy Recognition Ceremony

The day after WashU’s 2024 commencement, the McDonnell Academy hosted a recognition ceremony to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of our graduating Scholars. The event was marked by a sense of celebration and accomplishment as each Scholar received their recognition certificate, marking their transition from students to Scholars for Life. These Scholars have excelled in various […]

Congratulations to our McDonnell Academy graduates

Welcome to Recognition Ceremony 2024. The McDonnell Scholars Academy at Washington University will host its annual recognition ceremony. Tuesday, May 14, 2024Charles F. Knight Center Danforth Campus Our graduating students, Scholars for Life, will give brief remarks during the ceremony and will be individually recognized as they receive their certificates. Registration is closed. Meet the […]

Celebrating research excellence at PhDin3D competition

Seven senior Scholars competed for prizes and recognition at the annual McDonnell Academy PhD-in-3D competition on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Scholars were challenged to explain their research to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. The competition was fierce, sparking a lively debate among judges, Richard Lawrence, head of genome editing, yield, disease, and quality […]

Fueling connections with McDonnell Academy alumni

Celebrating Connections: Highlighting the St. Louis McDonnell Academy Alumni Reception We recently had the pleasure of hosting the St. Louis McDonnell Academy Alumni Reception, a great event that brought together a wonderful group St. Louis alumni, along with their families. The event facilitated the reconnection of old friends and the formation of new connections amid […]