Fudan University is located in Shanghai, China. It is one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China. Fudan is consistently ranked in the world’s top 100 most academic universities. It is also a member in the C9 League and Universitas 21. Its institutional predecessor was founded in 1905, shortly before the end of China’s imperial Qing dynasty. Fudan is now composed of four campuses, including Handan, Fenglin, Zhangjiang, and Jiangwan.

Shenyang Guo
Ambassador to Fudan University
Frank J. Bruno Distinguished Professor of Social Work Research, Brown School; Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs – Greater China

Jiayang Chen
Fudan University
- Physical Address: 168号方中圆建材市场F-53 Jinian Rd, Wu Jiao Chang, Yangpu Qu, Shanghai Shi, China
Global Parents & Alumni Fellow