The McDonnell Academy admitted its first Scholars, selected in the fall of 2019 with programming to begin in the spring, who demonstrated outstanding achievement and leadership potential in the Mark S. Wrighton Leadership Fellows Program.
Jae Lee & Girish Sharma | 2019 Wrighton Leadership Fellows.

US Scholar
Jae’s project seeks to develop a sustainability plan for the non-profit 501(c)3 global health organization Empower Through Health (ETH), for which he is the Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the Board of Directors. ETH provides healthcare to a catchment area of 70,000 people in rural Uganda, conducts clinical and public health research, and provides educational opportunities in public and global health for Ugandan and international students.

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
According to the WHO’s global air pollution database (2018), 14 out of the 15 most polluted cities in the world are in India. Girish’s project aims to provide guidelines for tackling air pollution to the government of India.
Are you a Wrighton Leadership Fellow?
The deadline for 2021 applications is due December 18, 2021.