Mei was raised in a farmer’s family and had a passion for developing better seeds/crops for farmers since she was very young. Mei is currently working as a Plant Reproductive Biology Scientist at Bayer, focused on seed production innovation. She previously worked in the discovery platform of a Brazilian sugarcane company, CTC-genomics. Mei did her postdoc research at the Danforth Plant Science Center and received her Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Washington University. She was a Dr. Norman Borlaug Corporate Fellow and worked as an intern at Monsanto. Mei received her bachelor’s degree in Plant Biology and Biotechnology from Tsinghua University in China.
- The CLV3 Homolog in Setaria viridis Selectively Controls Inflorescence Meristem Size, Feb 15, 2021, Front Plant Sci
- FRA1 kinesin modulates the lateral stability of cortical microtubules through CMU proteins, Aug 1, 2020, Plant Cell
- A dynamic co-expression map of early inflorescence development in Setaria viridis provides a resource for gene discovery and comparative genomics, Sep 12, 2018, Plant Sci
- Importin-β Directly Regulates the Motor Activity and Turnover of a Kinesin-4, Jan 2018, Developmental Cell
- Optimization of phenotyping assays for the model monocot Setaria viridispublication, Dec 2017, Frontiers in Plant Science