The latest news and events from our global activities.

Sci-FEAST: Global Food Science Experience | Nov 9 | 9:30am – 4:30pm

Sci-FEAST: Global Food Science Experience | Nov 9 | 9:30am – 4:30pm
The McDonnell Scholars Academy is thrilled to partner with the Saint Louis Science Center to bring the “Global Food Science Experience” to the St. Louis community on Nov 9th, aligning with WashU’s commitment to deepen and strengthen the longstanding ties with our region.  We are WashU in St. Louis, for St. Louis, and with St. Louis Saint Louis Science Center’s […]

McDonnell Academy Distinguished Visiting Scholar

McDonnell Academy Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Changqing Chen An expert in multi-functional materials, Changqing Chen advances the digital transformation globally by developing mechanical meta-materials that function as mechanical computers and store memory. He heads the Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University, where he serves as Professor of Mechanics and formerly directed the Institute of Solid Mechanics. Prior to Tsinghua, he […]

Cabot-Zhang Lecture explores US-China Relations

Cabot-Zhang Lecture explores US-China Relations
The McDonnell Academy Cabot Corporation-Xinsheng Zhang Endowed Lectureship at Washington University in St. Louis presents a discussion on US-China relations. A U.S. “Consensus” on China Policy? Moving Beyond a Misguided Narrative Thursday, October 10, 3:30 PM Anheuser Busch Dining RoomCharles F. Knight Executive Education & Conference CenterDanforth Campus, WashU A reception will immediately follow the presentation and […]

McDonnell Academy EVENTS

The McDonnell Academy organizes special seminars, retreats and other events. Our distinguished Scholars, politicians and analysts lead discussions on political, cultural and economic issues in the United States and the broader world.