The McDonnell Academy takes pride in recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of McDonnell Scholar Allison Martinez Mejia, who continues to distinguish herself through remarkable academic and research achievements. Allison, a biomedical PhD student at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU), has been honored with an AAHHE Graduate Fellowship, awarded by the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. This prestigious fellowship is part of the AAHHE Graduate Student Fellowship Program (GSFP), which prepares Latina/o/x doctoral scholars for careers in academia and postsecondary education administration and policy. As a doctoral student, Martinez Mejia has demonstrated a strong dedication to advancing science and engineering, extending beyond her department, school, and the university. The fellowship not only recognizes her academic excellence but also her potential for making a significant professional impact.

In addition to her academic accolades, Martinez Mejia was recently featured on the popular educational Spanish language podcast for children, “Cráneo: Ciencia para niños curiosos,” which translates to “Skull: Science for Curious Children.” Billed as the “#1 educational Spanish language podcast for kids across Latin America, Spain, and among U.S. Hispanics,” the podcast featured Allison in an episode titled, “Neuronas: Las Mensajeras de tu cerebro” (“Neurons: The Messengers of Your Brain”).
During the episode, Allison explained, “Neurons are the little workers that make everything in our bodies work, from walking to laughing!” This appearance highlights her ability to convey complex scientific concepts to a younger audience, making her research accessible and engaging to children who are eager to learn about science.
Allison Martinez Mejia, a global scholar from Honduras, joined the McDonnell Academy in 2021. She has been an exemplary Scholar, actively contributing to and engaging with the McDonnell Scholar community. Please join us in congratulating Allison for her well-deserved recognition and for embodying the spirit of innovation and excellence we strive for at the McDonnell Academy. Her dedication and achievements serve as an inspiration to all of us and highlight the Academy’s commitment to fostering global leadership, promoting interdisciplinary research, and enhancing cross-cultural understanding in our Scholar community.